Christmas Presence – Day Four

Picture of Laura Spratt
Laura Spratt

November 30, 2022

Picture of Laura Spratt
Laura Spratt

November 30, 2022


Christmas Presence - Day Four

Gift Four – Love

Christmas is a time of love. We see it all around us through the giving of gifts, the making of meals and time spent together. Without love, I’m sure you would agree, Christmas would not be Christmas.

Love is the foundation that Christmas was built on. It is the reason that Jesus died on the cross for us.

But where did love come from?

It came from God. God chooses to love us and gifted us with this love so that we can love others.

“We love because He first loved us.”

  • 1 John 4:19 (NIV).

Love has the power to change lives! Take a moment to remember the time you first felt the love of God. In that moment, your life changed. Experiencing the love of God changes us from the inside out. Our thoughts change, our actions change and our perspective on life shifts.

The love of God overpowers the weight of our sin and anything else that hinders us from living in His abundance. The love of God conquers every power of darkness that may come against us. When we stand firm in His love, we are unshakeable.

Knowing Jesus’ love for us, fills our lives with freedom and hope. We are called to share His love with others so that they may also experience the same freedom and hope!

This Christmas share the gift of Jesus with someone that doesn’t yet know Him. Invite them over for food, take them out for coffee or leave them with the best book they will ever read – the Bible.

Let this Christmas be one of love and life-change.

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