January 8, 2025
January 8, 2025
‘For I was hungry, and you fed me.’
(Matthew 25:35 NLT)
In the UK, 14% (11 million) of people are facing hunger, which has a significant negative impact on their health and wellbeing*. Additionally, 15% of UK households went hungry last month.**
My friends, I cannot imagine how much the lack of this basic need being met must break the Father’s heart.
In scripture we are repeatedly encouraged to care for those in need. If someone needs a glass of water, we give them a glass of water. If they need clothing, we give them clothing. If they need a visitor in prison, we visit them.
There is an air of non-negotiability about these scriptures. It is not strictly a command or law, but it is strongly encouraged.
By partnering with local churches in the UK, we at CBN UK aim to help address this hunger crisis by providing food to those in need through local food pantries.
As you fast for the next few days, reflect on how the physical hunger can help you to focus on being the hands and the feet of Jesus to those in your community.
The UK has not only physical hunger but also spiritual hunger. Like never before people are searching in places like tarot card readings, horoscopes and through mediums to gain some semblance of hope and control of their own destiny.
We as the Church have the answer to the longing of their souls. Let us meet the physical need with food – yes! But may we never neglect to also offer them the extended arm of a brother or sister who knows the One that can satisfy forever the longing of their hearts.
So, today, let us focus our fasting and prayer on those struggling with poverty and hunger in the UK. Pray for organisations, churches and ministries addressing these needs. And please pray for us here at CBN UK as we aim to make a drastic dent in the issue of hunger here in the UK.
Personal Application:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:7-8
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