Recognizing the Need to Return – Day Two

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January 28, 2025

Picture of CBN UK Team

January 28, 2025

Recognizing the Need to Return - Day Two

“When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have foodto spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and go back to my father…’”(Luke 15:17-18 NIV)The prodigal son had to reach a point of realisation before deciding to return home.He left the family home because he wanted independence from his perceived constraintsof the family home and business. He wanted the freedom to do as he wished with themoney he ‘inherited’, long before it was due.He thought he was missing out on all that the world had to offer. And so he left.Upon leaving, we know how the story goes. He reached a point where he came to hissenses, realising that he had wandered far from the privileges and the love of his home.And so, he sets off…Sometimes, we need to recognise our own brokenness or emptiness before we can seekrestoration.I also experienced a season away from the best that God had for my life. Whilst I didn’twander too far off and was even still in church, I knew that I was not living the best life thatGod had made me for.I was dabbling in things that were worldly and shallow. I knew the depth of the Father’slove. I knew what true discipleship looked like. And yet I chose the empty, hollow things ofthe world…for a time.It wasn’t until I turned on my computer one day and searched for my old church, finding alink to the annual church conference. The session I tuned into at that moment was allabout carrying your own personal cross in your lifetime. Not being swayed or distracted bythe things of this world that cannot and will not ever satisfy.I watched in shock and awe as my pastor unpacked what a life of following Jesus trulylooked like. My heart was burning inside my chest. I knew I had to come home.Take some time to reflect on any moments in your life where you’ve recognised your needfor God and the decision to turn back to Him.
Coming to your senses is the first step in the journey home. A journey that you will neverregret.Lord, help me see the areas in my life where I’ve tried to live apart from You. Open myeyes to the need for Your presence and forgiveness in every part of my life. Guide meas I turn back toward You.In Jesus’ name,Amen.Action: Today, take time in silence to reflect on your spiritual journey. What are the areaswhere you have strayed? Write a prayer of confession and commitment to return to God inthose areas

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

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