Seeking Truth

Picture of Beth Parkinson
Beth Parkinson

October 7, 2024

Picture of Beth Parkinson
Beth Parkinson

October 7, 2024

Seeking Truth

Seeking Truth - Day 1

‘Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.’ 

(Ecclesiastes 3:11 NLT) 

There is an innate human desire in all of us to seek meaning and truth. This can occur at various points and intervals in a person’s life but, usually, at some point, people begin to ask the question – is there more to life than this? 

We go about our days and our ways; waking, eating, washing, reading, working, drinking and sleeping. We get up the next day and repeat. We may interject a holiday or a long weekend away, somewhere different than our usual scenery. But then – for most of us – it’s back to the old routine. Life.  

There is a reason we question if there is more to life than this routine. It’s because there is! 

God put this desire for more right into the very heart of mankind when He knit us together in the wombs of our mothers. He designed for us to want something more. To want Him.   

Now, we may never know the fullness of the mysteries of God and of Heaven, but we can grasp some of the beauty found in faith in Jesus whilst we walk the earth. 

We were made with a void in our lives so that it can be filled with God. It’s deliberate!  

But, by virtue of our human nature, we can so easily veer off course in our pursuit of meaning and truth. 

There is a long list of things we can distract ourselves with when we divert around faith in Jesus – we’ll get into some of those things further into this devotional. 

This pursuit of meaning and truth can lead us down some very dark and dangerous paths, paths that we were never meant to venture down. The stubbornness in our hearts to refuse to surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the pride of our own lives and desire for autonomy create a vacuum between us and God. A vacuum that only One can bridge. 

His name is Jesus. 

If eternity has been placed in the human heart but God is a mystery, it is natural for us to search and question and ponder our existence and reality.  

But my hope and prayer are that this search never leads us away from the only One who can satisfy our longing.  

Father God, 

I may never have prayed to you before but I’m trying it now. If you are real, I pray that you will guide me as I embark upon this spiritual journey. I want to know if there is more to this life than what I’m living. I want to know the truth.  

In Jesus’ name, 







“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

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