
In 2024, let's partner together to share the gospel and prepare disciples across the UK.

Become a CBN Partner

Join our monthly giving community and help transform lives in the UK.

Countries & Territories
We operate in many countries and territories, bringing the hope of Jesus Christ to our world.
We reach into multiple regions, with content spanning 72 languages.
Years of integrity
We have been operating for 61 years and counting, building upon years of ministry and impact.
Your giving multiplied across these keys areas:
  • Media Evangelism
    Spreading the Gospel message further and faster than ever before:- Through our various streams such as TV Broadcast, Children’s Programmes Superbook and our Gospel sharing platform ‘iTestify’ + many other innovative projects
  • Gift Aid
    Humanitarian Outreach
    Extending Community Transformation projects in the UK:- Focusing our efforts towards helping vulnerable adults, disaster relief response and transforming communities from CBN & partner initiatives

Our Promise to You

Your partnership helps us to change the world with the life-giving news of Jesus Christ. We promise to:
Always use your donation responsibly and where the need is greatest.
Never abuse your partnership by sending you spam or junk mail, nor sell your information to any third party, for any reason, ever, without your expressed consent.
Always keep you up to date with what we are doing in the UK, Europe and globally.
of people across the UK do not know the joy of a personal relationship with Jesus.
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We believe that God has a greater plan
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Romans 10:16

Making it all possible

Not everyone can ‘go to’ the mission but everyone can ‘join us on’ the mission. Your donation is critical in enabling us to extend the gospel to every corner of UK and beyond

Thank you

'When you give into CBN, you give into fertile soil. To produce a great harvest'

CBN is a global nonprofit ministry demonstrating the love of God and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through media evangelism and humanitarian aid.

Thanks to the generosity of our CBN Partners the love of God is brought to millions of hurting people every day.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”




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