The Father’s Unchanging Love – Day One

Picture of CBN UK Team

January 27, 2025

Picture of CBN UK Team

January 27, 2025

The Father's Unchanging Love - Day One

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion forhim; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.”(Luke 15:20 NIV)Welcome to the ‘Come Home’ devotional, devoted to encouraging anyone who may havefallen away from following Jesus to return to the path God has for you.No matter how far we’ve wandered, God’s love for you remains unchanged. During yourtime away from God, you may have said or done things that do not align with the Christianfaith, but the Father does not love you less because of this.He knew when He made you that you would have this season away from Him. Though Hemay not have wanted it, He knew it was going to happen. He knows the end from thebeginning and is not taken by surprise by anything.Like the father in the story of the prodigal son, God has been watching and waiting for yourreturn, eager to embrace you with love and forgiveness.Notice in the highlighted verse for today that the father of the prodigal son saw him whilsthe was still a long way off. This suggests to me that the father was longing and looking forhis son, even before he was in sight.I can imagine him getting ready for the day in the morning, distracted and upset that hisson is not safe within the confines of the family home. He goes about his work, desperatelytrying to remain focused on the tasks at hand but his mind wanders frequently to thoughtsof his son.Where is he?What is he doing?Is he safe?Is he well?Then, at the end of his workday, he makes a warm drink, wraps up against the cold andharsh breeze, then sits himself down on the porch of his house. Waiting. Watching. Longingto see his son come home.
His love for his son never changed. He has suffered hurt, yes, but his love has neverwavered.Today, reflect on the truth that God’s love for you is constant, even when you feelunworthy.He is waiting with open arms for you to come home to Him.Father, thank You for Your unfailing love. Even when I stray, You are always ready towelcome me back. Help me to understand the depth of Your love for me and give methe courage to return to You fully.In Jesus’ name,Amen.Action: Take a moment today to write down any areas where you’ve felt distant from God.Offer those areas to Him in prayer, knowing that He’s waiting for you to come home

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

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