Living in God’s Grace – Day Five

Picture of Beth Parkinson
Beth Parkinson

October 28, 2024

Picture of Beth Parkinson
Beth Parkinson

October 28, 2024

Living in God’s Grace - Day Five

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” 

(Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV) 

Salvation is a gift from God. You are saved by His grace, not because of anything you’ve done. God’s grace means that you are fully loved, accepted, and forgiven through Jesus, no matter your past mistakes, current struggles or future failures. 

Grace is the foundation of your new life in Christ. You don’t have to earn God’s love – it’s freely given. 

What are you to do with this truth? 

Walk in it.  

Inevitably there will be occasions where the old way of doing things or behaving rears its head. Do not punish yourself in this instance. Recognise that you have deferred back to an old pattern of doing things (e.g. anger, lying etc.), confess your behaviour and apology to God and accept His forgiveness. 

One of the ways that you may stumble in your new journey with Jesus is if you allow condemnation to uproot the faith that has been planted in your heart by faith.  

The Bible tells us that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (read Romans 8:1) – and you are in Christ Jesus as His follower! So do not allow past behaviour to dictate future promise.  

This may all seem too good to be true. It is in some ways! But one of the most consistently powerful things you can do is rest in the knowledge and truth that you are saved by God’s grace upon your life – and that grace cannot be taken from you for all the days that you walk with Him.  

Take some time today to simply rest in the presence and grace of God. Maybe you want to write out some reasons why you are so grateful for the love and grace of God. Perhaps you want to sit quietly and receive. Either way, take some time to thank God for all He has graciously given us in His Son, Jesus Christ.  

God bless you.  

Father God, 

Thank You for Your amazing grace. Help me to live in the freedom of knowing I am loved and saved by You, not by my own efforts. When I fall short, remind me that I have been saved by grace. Remind me to come to you with a repentant heart and move on with my walk with You.  

In Jesus’ name, 


“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

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