August 26, 2024
August 26, 2024
‘A voice of one calling in the wilderness, “Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths
for him.”’
(Mark 1:3)
Have you ever seen a powerful river? Up close and personal. A thundering torrent racing past you.
For those like me who studied Geography for a while, you’ll know a bit about how the behaviour of rivers is linked with the landscape around it. The river informs the shape of the landscape, even as the landscape dictates the path a river can follow. Water will find the easiest route, the softest path to follow, but can also break down and break through the hardest of rocks over time.
You might also know about ox-bow lakes. That as water slows on flatter landscapes it begins to wind and meander, taking an increasingly circuitous route, until finally, almost as if the river is tired of taking so long to get to its goal, it abandons the old route and breaks through to create a direct path. Ultimately, water has its way by making its own way.
As we set out with bold vision and purpose at CBN UK to see 1 million lives saved and radically changed through relationship with Jesus, we know that each life added, each soul restored to its heavenly Creator will add power and momentum to the mission. But what will fuel that river to start in the first place? What can cause a rushing torrent of salvation and revival in this nation to start?
When we look back through the generations, every great move of God has been powered and propelled by something simple yet powerful. In recent history here in the UK, the Welsh revival of 1904-1905 and the Wesleyan revivals of the 18th century were initiated by humble people crying out before God. Their prayers, cutting grooves in the spiritual landscape. Their hunger for justice, mercy and the salvation of souls preparing the way, so that even as the Lord heard them and poured out His Spirit on this nation, the waters of salvation moved with power through community after community. The prayers of humble Jesus followers clearing the way for God to do what only He can do.
We may not all be the next John Wesley or Evan Roberts. We may not be about to reform society through great skills of oration, convicting law makers to protect the poor and the vulnerable. But we all have the same, most powerful tools that leaders of revival have always led with. A humble heart, the ability to pray and the gift of the Holy Spirit. And when we bring these tools into line behind Godly vision to see our nation changed, we start
carving out a groove in the spiritual landscape. We clear the way for the Lord to move. For the Spirit to flow. And perhaps, just perhaps, He will rend open the heavens in our time and move in even greater ways than we can imagine. Overflowing the channels we have cut and soaking this nation in His presence. Rescuing souls and restoring lives as only Jesus can.
But it can start with us.
Join the mission. Pray with us today.
May one million salvations be just the start of all you have planned for our nation.
We’re crying out for you to do what only you can do. Hear the prayers of your people calling out for the lost and the hurting. We want to see your Kingdom come, here on earth, even as it is in heaven.
Win hearts. Change this nation. Let your kingdom come.
In Jesus’ name,
If you’ve been impacted and emboldened by this plan to see change come around you, visit and partner with us at CBN UK in our audacious goal to see 1 Million Lives saved in the UK.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
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