The Joy of Restoration – Day Four

Picture of CBN UK Team

January 30, 2025

Picture of CBN UK Team

January 30, 2025

The Joy of Restoration - Day Four

“But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ringon his finger and sandals on his feet… For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; hewas lost and is found.(Luke 15:22-24 NIV)Have you noticed that, in the story of the prodigal son, the father doesn’t just accept hisson back – He restores him to his full identity as his beloved child?My friend, the same goes for you and your relationship with Father God!The celebration of the prodigal son’s return represents the joy that heaven experienceswhen you come back to God.God not only forgives you but also restores your worth and identity.God is not a Father who withholds His love. Though it must pain Him to see us walk away,to feel that rejection, the joy that He experiences when one of His lost children returnsmust be overwhelming!God does not hold your season of walking away over your head. He does not put you in‘time out’ until He feels you are worthy to come back into His presence.If the story of the prodigal son is a picture of how the Father deals with us when we walkaway, then we are immediately restored and repositioned into our place as son or daughterof the King!This is beyond understanding and beyond what we deserve. It’s called grace.Take some time today to revel in and reflect on the grace of God.By definition it is underserved and cannot be earned or achieved. It is freely given.Hallelujah!Don’t waste any more time beating yourself up for walking away. Simply come home,return to the Father’s arms, they are wide open and ready to receive you with great joy.
Lord, thank You for the joy and celebration You offer when I come back to You. I amoverwhelmed to know how much You love me! I am grateful for the new life and identityYou give me as Your child. Help me walk confidently in Your grace and restoration.In Jesus’ name,Amen.Action: Celebrate God’s grace today! Do something that brings you joy, knowing that youhave been restored by your loving Father. Share the good news of God’s love andrestoration with someone else. You never know who may be waiting for that samerevelation that you have received

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

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