
Leave a legacy. Impact a generation.

Free Will writing service with no obligation.

Make a lasting difference!

Leaving a gift in your Will is one of the most meaningful ways that your wishes are expressed, and your legacy continues to future generations. A gift in a Will to CBN UK can help us on The Road to 1 Million, our bold, ambitious goal of introducing 1 million people to Jesus. Together, we can see generations transformed by the power of the Gospel.

“I have partnered with CBN for several years and have decided to remember them in my Will. I respect the work of CBN as a Ministry, and I know that many lives are transformed globally by the love of God.”
“There are so many Charities, but the most important thing for me was to leave a legacy to a Christian Ministry where I know the Gospel will continue. CBN’s Operation Blessing and Orphans Promise also hold a special place for me. I desire that individual lives and communities will continue to be practically & spiritually impacted because I have decided to include CBN in my Will.”


“I have partnered with CBN for several years and have decided to remember them in my Will. I respect the work of CBN as a Ministry, and I know that many lives are transformed globally by the love of God.” “There are so many Charities, but the most important thing for me was to leave a legacy to a Christian Ministry where I know the Gospel will continue. CBN’s Operation Blessing and Orphans Promise also hold a special place for me. I desire that individual lives and communities will continue to be practically & spiritually impacted because I have decided to include CBN in my Will.”

– Benita

Free Will Writing Service.

To make it simple we offer a free, high-quality Will writing service. This is available to everyone with absolutely no obligation. Sign-up to receive a detailed information pack.
Information Pack
Sign up for an information pack and register your interest.
Free Will Review
Consult a qualified solicitor in person, by phone or online.
Will written and delivered
Your Will is written up and delivered to you for signing.

What your Legacy can Achieve

By choosing to remember the Christian Broadcasting Network (UK) in your will you help us in our bold mission to introduce 1 million people to Jesus! You will help us create relevant Media Evangelism tools that reach this next generation, and provide Humanitarian Outreach for those struggling day to day right on our doorsteps.
Media Evangelism
Humanitarian Outreach

Generational impact

When we look to Scripture we see the powerful impact that generational giving had in the history of ancient Israel.

When a generation moved away from the ways of the Lord, the children followed suit and the nation stepped out of God’s best for them, carrying a legacy of lack, of war, even of slavery. Conversely, when the people chose to obey the laws of Moses, the nation flourished. An amazing example of legacy was as David was leaving his throne to Solomon. Unable to build the temple himself, he built storehouses of supplies so that every single need would be more than met. He cultivated relationships with trade partners and left his son in good standing with neighbouring kingdoms.

When it came time for Solomon to take the throne, he had inherited a nation at peace, wealthy and following the commandments of the Lord. Solomon dedicated his life to leading the nation as wisely as he could, undistracted by war or want. David’s legacy had cleared the obstacles in his way. The end of David’s leadership, his ceiling, became Solomon’s floor – his strong starting point thanks to the purposeful gift of his father.

As we look to the future, and the generations to come beyond us, we can set them up similarly. So that our ceiling becomes their floor. So that it can be said of them:

‘And though your beginning was very small, your latter days will be very great.’ – Job 8:7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

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