First Things First – Day One

Picture of Beth Parkinson
Beth Parkinson

March 5, 2024

Picture of Beth Parkinson
Beth Parkinson

March 5, 2024


First Things First - Day One

A Content Heart

Today we start at the beginning. We all know that God should be the first priority in our lives, but have you ever stopped to think why? 

God’s intentions for us are good, they are gracious. They are for our best and for the good of those around us. (Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28) 

In the upside-down Kingdom of Heaven, we don’t need to strive for the things that matter to the world. In fact, we’re to run the other way. We’ll find that our hearts will be most content when we seek God’s kingdom first.  


Because when our eyes are focused on Him, we can dwell in the heart-knowledge that we are deeply, wholly loved. 

Our inmost identity comes from Him, who He created us to be, not in our position or possessions, not in recognition or riches. By understanding our identity in Christ first and how loved we are by God we can then live a life in the overflow. Not striving to have God in the centre, but resting with Him at the heart of all we do. His love guiding our thoughts and actions. That’s why there is power in putting him first.  

‘But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.’ 

(Matthew 6:33 NIV) 


  1. How does understanding God’s love for us impact our ability to prioritise seeking Him first? Write down some personal experiences or examples where prioritising God’s kingdom has resulted in experiencing His love in a profound way. 
  2. What does it mean practically to ‘seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness’ in our daily lives? How can individuals or communities practically apply this principle today? 
  3. Reflecting on your own life, what are the primary things that take precedence over seeking God’s kingdom first? How do these priorities impact your spiritual life and overall wellbeing? What steps could you take to put God in first place in your life?

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