The Psalms: Series One – Day Ten

Picture of Charmain Hibberd
Charmain Hibberd

February 1, 2024

Picture of Charmain Hibberd
Charmain Hibberd

February 1, 2024


The Psalms: Series One - Day Ten

Read Psalm 10 

Highlight verse: ‘But you yourself have seen trouble and grief, observing it in order to take the matter into your hands. The helpless one entrusts himself to you; you are a helper of the fatherless.’ 

(Psalm 10:14 CSB) 


This Psalm challenged me a lot.  

To condense the sense of Psalm 10 into one key verse is near impossible.  

David is pleading with God to destroy the wicked and bring them to account. 

The likelihood is that evil and wickedness was running rampant in this day and David was wracked with grief at the state of affairs.  

It appears that wrongdoers were winning. They said and believed things like: 

  • I will never be moved. 
  • God has forgotten; He hides His face and will never see. 
  • There’s no accountability since there is no God. 

These are deeply troubling statements – especially when they are applied to our modern-day life. 

If you think of the greatest injustices in our world today and imagine the perpetrators saying the same kind of things as the wrongdoers of King David’s day, surely you would be appalled and enraged! 

How could anyone be so arrogant as to think that their evil will go unpunished.  

As believers in Jesus and the truth of the Word of God, we know that this is foolish and dangerous talk. 

‘But you yourself have seen trouble and grief, observing it in order to take the matter into your hands. The helpless one entrusts himself to you; you are a helper of the fatherless.’ 

(Psalm 10:14 CSB) 

We know that one day, we will all stand before the throne of God and give an account for our lives. He will measure our days according to their fruit and faithfulness and we will find ourselves in one of two very different places for eternity. 

Either with or without Him. 

As the psalmist writes in today’s title verse, the Lord will take matters into His own hands. He is not immoveable, forgetting nor hiding away. He will hold us all to account.  

Whilst this is an intimidating thought, take courage that if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, repenting of and acknowledging all of the things that you have done wrong in your life, you are a child of God. And a child of God holds a very special place in His kingdom.  

Action: If you haven’t ever received Jesus as your Lord and as your Saviour, may I offer you a short prayer of repentance? If you are ready, pray along with me… 

Father God,  

I acknowledge that I have done wrong things in my life, and I am sorry. I believe in your Son Jesus who died on the cross and rose to life again to take away the punishment that I was due for my sin. I confess that Jesus is my Lord and my Saviour and I ask that you dwell within me by your Holy Spirit for the rest of my life.  

In Jesus’ name, 


If you prayed that prayer – congratulations! There is a party in Heaven happening right now at your decision! Please follow up with someone. Tell a Christian friend that you have just surrendered your life to Jesus. If you need someone to tell about your decision, we will happily pray with you. Simply visit our contact page here.  

God bless you! 

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