June 25, 2024
June 25, 2024
As we live out a global vision of seeing people impacted by the gospel, we must first start connecting with people right on our doorstep. The newly re-branded Community Support and Community Outreach Teams have pivoted their energies from mostly receiving calls, to directing their focus outwards, reaching out to those that we know are hurting, or simply need to see the hands and feet of Jesus in their lives.
On a mission to make a difference, several members of the Community Outreach Team, along with Allen, our Director of Prayer and Donor Relations, stepped out into the beautiful Herefordshire countryside to spend some time with a community that can easily feel overlooked.
Brockington House is a supported living facility for the elderly, full of precious lives carrying countless stories and experiences of a lifetime. Behind 4 walls and often unvisited for long periods of time, loneliness can be soul-destroying as life gets smaller for those that have lived longest – as independence dwindles and friends are no longer around.
But for a delightful afternoon, no thought of loneliness flit across minds as stories were shared and raucous laughter sounded whilst the team met and spent time with residents.
Showing love and making someone feel seen are some of the most basic but impacting ways we can show the heart of God to those around us. Many times in the gospels we see Jesus pause on His way somewhere to see those that society ignored. Zaccheus, a tax man, the woman with the issue of blood, blind beggars at the roadside and even those right in the middle of a funeral. Jesus always went out of His way to bring encouragement to the most marginalised, reaching across societal norms to reach the isolated and hurting.
It was our privilege to do the same, spending time with those who have a story to tell. Our afternoon at Brockington House proved to be time well spent as we were given the room and permission to take hold of a lonely hand and sit alongside many, like Jane, who simply wanted an opportunity to be seen and heard, and to pray with any who wanted it without pressure or persuasion.
Going forward, we hope to spend much more time at Brockington House, embracing the opportunity we have to listen, love, pray and share God’s Word through relationship and meaningful engagement. We want to get to know these wonderful people for who they are, and the door is wide open to the Community Outreach Team to do so.
We hope to commit a regular time and space each week to check in and spend much more precious time with these precious lives, just as Jesus would.
If you would like to help us put a Bible in these open and tired hands, or provide finances to resource our outreach efforts, then please do pick up the phone to support this team by partnering with CBN UK monthly or giving one off gifts. It takes both faith and funds to reach the lost, the last and the least; your support is life changing and very much appreciated.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:7-8
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